Arab Spring or Arab Plague?

Posted by Bruno On Saturday, May 12, 2012 0 comments

The Algerian election campaign reached a climax (of sorts) at the weekend with a disastrously misjudged speech by prime minister Ahmed Ouyahia, who attacked the Arab Spring as "a plague" which is sweeping the region. Its effects can be seen, he said, in "the colonization of Iraq, the destruction of Libya, the partition of Sudan and the weakening of Egypt".

  "The revolutions that engulfed brotherly and friendly countries such as Iraq, Sudan, Tunisia, Mali, Libya and Egypt are not accidental but are the work of Zionism and Nato," he continued. "The Nato countries grant visas to young people according to their objectives, to train in new technologies to create unrest ..."

Well this is currently an interestingly twist of developments an prime minster is calling the Arab Spring Arab Plague? thats new, i wonder how or should i say how long before the elites on taking him out for those comments he made?

brotherly and friendly countries such as Iraq, Sudan, Tunisia, Mali, Libya and Egypt are not accidental but are the work of Zionism and Nato," he continued. "The Nato countries grant visas to young people according to their objectives, to train in new technologies to create unrest

Well this is one news article that is sure interesting.
 I could agree with him at least a little, it is the US and NATO that is causing a lot of death in the middle east, if they are using social media to get their populations to revolt against the government, i could see it.

As a matter of fact, it makes perfect sense.
Sanctions work to, gotta starve the children to get your point across.

Which is why this so called  Arab Spring in selected places such as Libya and Syria has been years in the making but then that would mean that social media is a by product of the us government.

Because if it wasn't  why hasn't the uprising in libya took place in 2000 when GW bush was the president?

Simple facebook was not yet in production and this makes me wonder if the overall  rule of Gaddafi has been nothing more then a trick by America and imperialist Brittan?

For example whenever Gaddafi was giving a speech, the EU puppets and along with Americas and Brittan ambassadors left there seats.

Yet when GW Bush and Obama was giving the speech how come there  own ambassadors didn't try to leave there seats? its all part of there game.

At least thats how i see it, because that would make sense and whenever you see some other countries ambassadors leaving that usual means they must be planning something.


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